tisdag, maj 31, 2005


Hej tillsammans,

This weekend was the legendary Brännbolls cupen here in Umeå. Brännboll is actually some kind of baseball or "Mattenlauf" and more a school game than a serious sport, but anyway here they have the biggest tournament. I also participated with "Tha International Djur Conspiracy", we all played in animal costumes (me of course again as lion). We played quite badly, I think, but because of our costumes we qualified for the finals for best show.

Traditionally, there is a big "spontaneous" party in Ålidhem, mainly in Fysikgränd, during the brännbollsyran weekend. I heard a lot of wild stories about this party before, but I couldn't really believe them. But ok, Fysikgrändfesten is crazy, there were a lot of people on the streets, some really burned furnitures and other really threw tv's out of the window.

Brännbollsyran is probably a reason to come back to Umeå next year again.

So, I'm on the way to Finnland now for several days, but I'll be back this weekend.

c u