lördag, oktober 01, 2005

"International Pub" in Würzburg

For once some up to date news; in two weeks, on october 15th is an international pub for former Umeå exchange students in Würzburg. Unfortunately I'll miss it, because I'll be in Finland during the next two weeks. And I probably also won't have time to go the reunion in Prague in november. It would have been nice to see these people again, but ok, maybe another time. Have fun anyway!

The future of this blog is still not decided. I have some ideas how to continue, but let's see. There is still some stuff from summer left to update.

Hope to hear of you again


At 12:41 em, Anonymous Anonym said...

Den här kommentaren har tagits bort av bloggadministratören.

At 12:42 em, Anonymous Anonym said...

Den här kommentaren har tagits bort av bloggadministratören.

At 4:04 em, Blogger Rolf said...

I don't need posts that are just advertisement and not related to the content of my blog


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